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Onalaska ISD


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Onalaska School Board Members


January is Board Appreciation Month. 
Help OISD Thank our All-Star Team of Board Members




President, Candice Davies, cdavies@onalaskaisd.net

(Elected 11/2023 to a 3 year term. Next election 5/2026)


Vice President, Karina Roberts, kroberts@onalaskaisd.net

(Elected 5/2024 to a 3 year term. Next election 5/2027)

Secretary, Kimber Stolley, kstolley@onalaskaisd.net

(Elected 5/2024 to a 3 year term. Next election 5/2027)


Member, Ted Wiggins, twiggins@onalaskasid.net

(Elected 5/2022 to a 3 year term. Next election 5/2025)


Member, Dennis Hodge, dhodge@onalaskaisd.net

(Elected 5/2022 to a 3 year term. Next election5/ 2025)


Member, Jake Ard, jard@onalaskaisd.net

(Elected 11/2023 to a 3 year term. Next election 5/2026)


Member, Chris Topkins, ctopkins@onalaskaisd.net

(Appointed 5/2024. Next election 5/2025)